Saturday, October 29, 2011

Riding the Bus: Biking Motivates other People to Bike

On the Bus
There is a lady who drops off her daughter at the same daycare and she is riding her bike a lot more than me.  I don't want to be competitive with the other parents because parenting is hard enough without 'keeping up with the Joneses' but when I see her riding her bike it makes me want to ride.  It is not so much as competition but if I call myself a blogging, bike-riding mom, I need to be on the bike.  

And so I have discovered that people out biking motivate other people to bike.  This blog keep me biking and other cyclists keep me motivated.  Lets see if I can get some bike riding done in November…

I am commuting on the bus more then commuting on my bike.  I rode the bike home yesterday and I had ridden it to work the week before.  I am a little surprised that I even consider riding in late October.  My son does fine in the cold weather.  He has a parka and puts his hands in his pockets. 

When I stand at the bus stop and see other people riding their bikes by I wish I were riding my bike.  Realistically, I want to be riding my bike in proper cold weather gear because my chic bike-to-work outfits are not holding up in cold weather.  I don’t want to go shopping for a cold weather riding gear and I don’t want to pay for cold weather gear.  I did go shopping for cute boots that keep my toes warm while waiting for the bus.  Maybe I need to make warm weather gear as much as a priority as cute boots.

I experience the over heating from the inside because I am working hard at riding and my warm jacket is keeping the very cold from the outside, out but not letting any of my heat out.  My leggens from Old Navy do not keep out the cold wind.  I now get cycle gear and I want some cycle gear.      

Monday, October 24, 2011

Bringing Home the Bread: The Bread Made It Home!

This photo is how I brought home ingredients and bread for dinner --potato leek soup.  I almost lost my leeks on the ride home.  Also in this pack is a lunch box and my purse.

I am thinking of using a milk-crate to transport this sort of stuff.  I used a milk-crate when I was a teenager and it worked great.

There is a store on my way home and a very nice bakery and I could have made stops on my route but I did not want to stop riding and unload my son on our way home.  I bought the bread and leeks on my lunch break.

I might try biking and shopping sometime.  Just to see how it goes.